Bridge Eight Press is a Florida-based literary publisher producing works that move the eyes and soul. For us, that means publishing accessible fiction and poetry that speaks directly to the world our readers live in today.

Founded in 2014, the Press publishes a small catalog of titles each year as well as Bridge Eight Literary Magazine, a bi-annual print publication. It is also the creator of several literary events in and around Jacksonville, Florida including the Abridged Reading Series and Flash Readings, the self-proclaimed best literary event under 30 minutes.

Send Us Your Sports-Related Essays & Features

We tend to accept essays and features between 1,000 & 2500 words in length, though something outside of that occasionally convinces us otherwise.

What we don't want:

  • Game recaps
  • Over/Unders and Prop-Bet sort of pieces
  • Anti-sports propaganda
  • Poetry and Fiction about sports

What we do want:

  • Deeper analysis of teams or players
  • Personal narratives about your relationship to sports
  • GOAT debates and arguments
  • Character-studies of your favorite player
  • A day in the life of a ________ game

Or, if you're unsure, send an email to with a pitch and we'll let you know if we think it's a fit.

We're accepting submissions for thoughts, musings, analysis, etc ... on your favorite movie, your most hated television show, or some hybrid blend of both.

We tend to accept work between 1,000 & 2500 words in length, though something outside of that occasionally convinces us otherwise.

The question we find ourselves asking a lot of the time is, "Is it enough?" Meaning, this thing was fun, or interesting, or for the most part, pretty good, but does it it going to stay with us after we publish it?

In a sea of submissions, leaving an impression is the most important.

We tend to accept stories between 1,000 & 2500 words in length, though something outside of that occasionally convinces us otherwise.

Beyond that, we’re seeking well-developed characters and fascinating voices we can’t stop thinking about. We do not publish genre fiction, but we are open to experimental styles and allegorical approaches. If your work is a tad bit absurd, even better!

From the editors:

  Riley: "I like a story that eats its young."

  Grace: "I like a story that makes me forget I'm sitting on the toilet while I read it."

The question we find ourselves asking a lot of the time is, "Is it enough?" Meaning, this story was fun, or interesting, or for the most part, pretty good, but does it it going to stay with us after we publish it?

In a sea of submissions, leaving an impression is the most important.

Bridge Eight is happy to read and share your conversations with writers and literary artists.

There are no strict guidelines for this. Whether you interview an editor or a writer, a published author or someone on the come up, we are happy to take a look at it.

Bridge Eight is happy to read and publish well-written book reviews, whether they be for smaller independent presses or those with a much larger reach. If you are passionate about the work, then we're the home for you.


  • Please don't send us a review of your own book.
  • Additionally, please don't send a review of a self-published title.
  • We are interested in prose and poetry alike - especially those books we may not have heard of before, or those you think are underrepresented in the literary media.
  • For our sake, please include the genre, page number, and the URL to the press so readers know where to get the book.
  • A photo of the cover helps, too!
  • When submitting, consider the work Bridge Eight publishes, and how that may align with the books we want to read reviews of.
Bridge Eight